


Let the study of piano be your solace, your pride and basis for any other instrument studied. Because each note can be seen and touched in succession on the piano, (unlike with a flute or violin), pitch, melody and theory are more readily seen and understood. Melody and harmony are easily illustrated and imitated. The piano’s percussive nature allows for easy learning of rhythms and feel. It’s instant touch-to-sound pairing allows for solo or ensemble playing.

At The Music Kit we’ll explore technique, theory, ear training, rhythms, harmony, musical genres, ensemble playing, transposing and more, while having fun with solos and others.


Portable, easy to hold, allowing for personal expression and many genres, did you know guitar players develop higher intuition? Read:

At The Music Kit we’ll explore technique, theory, ear training, rhythms, harmony, musical genres, ensemble playing, transposing and more, while having fun as soloists and in groups.


(with a touch of traditional violin)

Versatile for all genres of music,
portable, lightweight and romantic, fiddle has lured, lulled, captivated and haunted music listeners for years. Studying fiddle promotes excellent brain development and coordination.

At The Music Kit we’ll explore technique, theory, ear training, rhythms, harmony, musical genres, ensemble playing, transposing and more, while having fun as soloists and in groups.


This instrument no doubt, falls right in the middle of the ‘charming’ category! Just picking it up is a treat; so light, easy to learn, gentle on your fingers, affordable, and versatile! It’s a great instrument to pick up anywhere and anytime, and play any style of music out there!

At The Music Kit we’ll explore technique, theory, ear training, rhythms, harmony, musical genres, ensemble playing, transposing and more, while having fun as soloists and in groups.


Used for decades in many genres of music, the harmonica is one of the friendliest instruments to be played and stored. At a mere 3 ½” long, it can be stored in your pocket, purse, or glove compartment, always available for a note, chord or rhythm. This little instrument awaits your hum, blow, or draw of air, to provide a wonderful feeling of solo performance, blues, folk, harmonies, or improv.

At The Music Kit, I’ll show you how to play the harmonica using the proper breathing technique, music reading and theory, to play by ear, simple folk tunes, blues and other genres.